Do you believe you have been a victim of misconduct or malpractice in a medical situation? Are you unsure where to go from here? Lasky Justus Law is here to advise you on what to do if you are a victim of medical malpractice in Georgia.

We tend to hold doctors and medical practitioners to the highest standards and expectations but forget to recognize that they can make mistakes or act with negligence. These situations can quickly arise through errors in diagnosis, treatment, health management, and more.

Lasky Justus Law is here to help you navigate your case and understand the steps you can take to obtain justice for malpractice or misconduct in a medical situation.

Gather All Medical Records

A personal injury as a result of medical malpractice may have you entitled to compensation. The first thing you must do is gather all medical records to determine what was done and if it was done correctly. It is relatively easy to obtain your medical records simply by a written request or asking that hospital. If there is any pushback, that would be the first red signal.

You have the right to your medical records and to know what treatments your doctor did and did not provide. If you are not able to obtain your records, an attorney can help you. With the assistance of an attorney, you can take the appropriate and necessary steps toward moving forward in making a malpractice claim. Evidence is crucial, and it starts with a record of what was done.

Learn more about the Georgia Medical Board’s policies when it comes to medical malpractice here.

Know Georgia’s Statute of Limitations

Have you recently discovered that your condition or illness was the result of a trusted physician’s wrongdoing? If the date of the injury was under two years ago, you could still go forward with a malpractice claim against your doctor. The statute of limitations in Georgia is generally two years from the date of the injury-causing mistake but there are several exceptions to this general time frame. An attorney experienced in medical malpractice cases will be able to determine the exact statute of limitations. Another law, the Statute of Repose requires that any medical malpractice case must be filed within five years of any medical mistake that has caused you an injury. If you believe you are the victim of a medical mistake the best advice is to get a medical malpractice lawyer to review your case as soon as possible.

Find A New Doctor You Trust

When we have a terrible experience with a trusted and paid professional, your mission to find someone new can feel daunting. You must not be afraid to venture out and find a new doctor that you believe in. With proper treatment from a competent physician, you may recover from your injury with confidence and security that you are in good hands.

Before any treatment begins, it would be best to have the new physician review your records, perform tests, and document any health ailments. Your doctor can also diagnose all of the problems caused by the original medical errors. Having evidence of the damage from the previous doctor is very important to obtaining fair compensation for medical negligence.

If you are going to make a successful medical malpractice claim, having a competent and skilled physician there to explain the previous misconduct or wrongdoing can only help you.

Obtain Expert Witness & Testimony

The most substantial component you can have on your side in any court matter is an expert witness and testimony. For a medical malpractice claim, expert testimony can be invaluable if they can attest that the doctor’s actions or lack of knowledge and skill resulted in a severe injury that would not have happened unless the provider performed with negligence.

When it comes to malpractice claims, the law in Georgia requires that an affidavit with an expert supporting your claim be filed at the time you file your lawsuit. The goal is to have a case with verified and reputable witnesses before walking into the courtroom. The law aims to prevent filing a medical malpractice lawsuit without fact and opinion to support the claim, thus requiring an affidavit.

If you have any questions regarding acquiring reputable witnesses and an affidavit, please contact our firm. We would be happy to help you!

Allow An Attorney to Fight For Your Rights

Filing a medical malpractice lawsuit is never easy, especially after how traumatic the entire experience can be. Imagine going to a trusted physician to help you feel better and finding out your condition actually worsened after receiving treatment.

These cases involve complicated medical issues, insurance companies, medical expertise, and litigation expenses. If you are unsure if you have a case, you should first reach out to a reputable and experienced attorney.

Please contact us at 912-232-6423 for experienced and dedicated legal assistance.